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power behind the throne造句

"power behind the throne"是什么意思  
  • "He's the power behind the throne,"
  • Bebear is widely regarded as the power behind the throne.
  • And Robert sees himself as the power behind the throne,
  • Wiranto is now unquestionably the real power behind the throne.
  • His wife, Mira Markovic, is the power behind the throne.
  • However, Sukhra still remained the power behind the throne.
  • The Fujiwara were the proverbial " power behind the throne " for centuries.
  • Chanakya knew that he was prophesied to become a power behind the throne.
  • Tembo, a former schoolteacher, was seen as the power behind the throne.
  • In 392, the Rufinus became the power behind the throne in the east.
  • It's difficult to see power behind the throne in a sentence. 用power behind the throne造句挺难的
  • Mikael then became the power behind the throne.
  • Nanda Pakyan became the power behind the throne.
  • The minister was the power behind the throne, and practically ran the country.
  • He can continue to be the power behind the throne if he wants to be,
  • It is thought by many biographers that Cixi was the actual power behind the throne.
  • Dowager Grand Duchess Christina was the power behind the throne until her death in 1636.
  • Nor can one think of Saint Laurent without Pierre Berge, the power behind the throne.
  • The perception of Rove as the omnipotent power behind the throne has been building for years.
  • Godoy was temporarily out of favor but was soon to become the power behind the throne.
  • Ptolemy intended to become main ruler, with Pothinus acting as the power behind the throne.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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